For our next COC meeting this month, we as Chapter Reps, need to think about why we are together, what we want to accomplish, and how to do this. Following are my thoughts. Please consider sharing your thoughts.
Neta - Cuplet Fern Chapter
COC – the Strategic Plan states our objective is to facilitate communication: FNPS-COC, COC – Chapter Rep, Chapter Reps – Members.
Is this what you think is our purpose? Do you think we're doing this? How can we do it better? I’m struggling with this myself. Some chapters have indicated they don’t need the state. Why is FNPS irrelevant to them. How can we be relevant to each other? Also, why aren’t more Chapter Reps participating on meeting calls and initiatives? How do we improve this? There’s talk about sharing what other chapters do well in order to help other chapters. I think Julie tried to facilitate this by having each chapter report what they’re doing at the meetings. But, I got feedback this was a waste of time. I think the sharing of ideas is good, not the “we had a field to so and so” which is pretty regular and routine. We all do that. How can we share the good ideas to promote a cause/process/whatever. I “think” the “Sabal Minor” is a vehicle to share chapter info but don’t think the chapters use it this way. Would it help to form small committees to solve some of these issues? Maybe a small committee (5 people) “How can we best share effective chapter strategies (whatever they are) with other chapters”. Maybe another small committee (5 people) “How would the reps like the COC Officers to communicate back to COC what happened at the Board meeting”. Small Committee “How can Chapter Reps best communicate to their members and their Board”. Just biting off small chunks of the Elephant. Get many people involved on different procedures. Small Committee to identify two new initiatives to work on? These Committee members must contact other chapters for input, digest their survey, maybe recruit some reps who will participate on the initiatives, and make a recommendation to the COC.
Leadership Training – to start, a small Committee to survey Reps. Make a list of what the Chapter Reps want training on, how do they want to receive it – face to face, DVD, online? How long should it be – all day or a weekend, where should it be held – same one regionally, a road show? Should each region assemble a training session (not FNPS)? Who should teach it?
Meetings – need to be more efficient, agenda should be meaningful to reps, add time frames to agenda items. Do reps want more face to face meetings vs online? How to do this? Logistically, this is tough to do with such a big state.
Would like your input.
Thanks, Neta