The EXCOM will meet on Wednesday, September 02, at 7:00 pm to discuss the 2016 Budget.
Information for GoToMeeting for the meeting is as follows (see draft agenda below information:
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Please read the attached reports related to the 2016 Budget: Files are also available at,1121.0.htmlDRAFT EXCOM AGENDA for Meeting Sept 2, 2015 as of Aug 29, 2015 (ACC)
7:00 Meeting start time
1. Budget discussion (see posted reports) - Kim Zarillo
2. FWF donation
3. Approval for FNPS Month funds- Board approved $500 on Aug 15, 2015
4. RFP for BoD and CoC Support (will be posted 8/30 and email)- Anne Cox
5. VP Admin candidates to fill out 2015-2016