Chapter Reps of Sea Oats, Ixia, Magnolia, Paynes Prairie, Sarracenia, Sweet Bay and Longleaf
The next meeting is scheduled for October 3rd in North Florida. It will give our region an opportunity to talk about some local ideas, problems, successes or anything else we might like to know more about or share with the group.
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 4 pm (Lunch - Pot luck)
Place: Carol Sullivan's - please contact Carol for the location and directions.
we do not want to put her address here.
For anyone who would like to stay overnight, there are a couple of extra beds. It's very rural so there's room for tents outside and plenty of space on two screened porches or the living room floor if you bring your own sleeping bag and bedding.
It would be great if you and/or some of your chapter's members could plan to attend. You might be surprised at what we can learn from this kind of casual conversation with other members about their experiences.
Attached is a document with a list of the ideas and discussions from the Oct. 3 meeting. This file was reviewed by several members. The document will be posted for the November 7 Board meeting as many of the ideas can be implemented by chapters and the Board and Council.
We appreciate Carol Sullivan's hospitality and opening up her house for the discussions. All who attended contributed to the discussions and ideas brought forward at the meeting to help FNPS members work together to fulfill our mission.
Please send comments to the President.