Communications Report/Goals - May, 2006

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Cindy Liberton

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  • Hernando Chapter, FNPS Steering Committee 2013
  • Posts: 52
  • Communications is my game.
    • Next Steps Collective, LLC
on: August 23, 2006, 10:46:25 PM
Cindy Liberton, Chair FNPS Communications, FNPS Webteam
Hernando Chapter, VP for Admin
[email protected] • 352-583-2384

To the Society:
We're going to start team-building again, and we need all your talent! Technical and feature writers, illustrators, photographers, print or web designers, public relations pros, educators, and those disturbing multi-talented folks, we need you all. Help us identify key contacts and opportunities, fine tune procedures, and prioritize our activities.

Let us know whether you, or someone you know, should serve among the ranks of Communication Consultants. Chapters often need help with quick turnaround items like PSAs, Press Releases, finding the perfect photo, articles for newsletters and the media, etc. We need moderators for web-based discussion groups. If we work together, we can give each other what we need, when we need it.

Opportunities to contribute are vast. In addition to standard Communications work for the Society, we need help preparing content for:
•   Sabal Minor, Rosalind Rowe editor, ([email protected]). Deadlines the 15th of the Odd Months –
•   Palmetto, Marjorie Shropshire editor ([email protected]), Deadlines in Feb, June, August, November
•   Articles for Print Media and Magazines, Eileen Szuchy (aka kita smith [email protected]), Chair, Publications, on-going projects
•   Factsheets, PSAs, Press Releases, Issue Briefs and Position Papers, Cindy Liberton, Chair, Communications ([email protected])
•   Webwork of all Flavors, Shirley Denton ([email protected]), Paul Rebman ([email protected]), Cindy Liberton ([email protected])

In the months to come:

Publicize the Awards (e.g., Endowment awards, Landscape awards, Conservation Awards, Chapter Grants, and Palmetto Awards

Continue efforts to finalize and get it into the "field"

Sabal Minor PDF on-line - Procedures
Publications Committee activities; coordination, project development and timelines
Palmetto - finalize submission guidelines, support for editor, publicize deadline

Finish refinements of page layouts
Implement Action Alert submission form
Populate Newsletter Resource pages, Chapter support pages with useful articles to share.
Flesh out our Speakers' Bureau Registry
Establish dev site
Launch and populate forums; moderate discussions and support on-line projects

Directory Project

Decide on our Promotion projects, and get them done.
Print Generic FNPS Displays for use at key events
Identify 5 key events for our presence from May 2006 - May 2007
Cindy Liberton
Hernando Chapter