This is the collection point for information regarding the creation, maintenance, public reaction to Native Gardens and anything else that bears upon the FNPS Chapters Gardening initiatives as they reach out to the communities that they serve. We are interested in collecting information about successes and failures. Please include information about garden sizes and approximate costs involved, including volunteer hours (estimates are fine) for planning, installation, establishment, and maintenance. Please try to break out the hours into those performed by FNPS and if other organizations are involved approximate their time and costs. If any local awards have been received, please note them. How long have the gardens been in existence or how long before they failed.
As you can see there are an enormous number of issues, so don't limit your responses to the few issues noted above. We aren't certain where this effort will lead, so all comments are welcome. It may be that some of your Gardens will be on a list of places to see on the site, so feel free to praise your efforts and tell us why this garden is so special.
Please include some contact information in your responses so we can contact you if we have further questions.