Ground Cover needed along Banana River lagoon

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on: August 14, 2007, 08:34:04 AM
Looking for an economical ground cover for about 1000 sf of bare soil along the Banana River lagoon. I've thought of Seashore Paspalum, but the plugs are too expensive for me right now. Any comments on using seed and where to find? Also, thought of Smartweed (Polygonum spp) or Seashore Dropseed. Seeding is preferred because it is what I can afford.

ANY comments, suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks! ;)


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Reply #1 on: February 08, 2009, 11:43:38 PM
I'd suggest liners or bare root plugs of Spartina patens (saltmeadow cordgrass) at 18" on center.  You'd need 500 of them and I'd think you could get them for under 50 cents apiece.  Once they've established, they spread fairly rapidly by underground rhizomes and will knit together beautifully.  They thrive in a wide range of environments and tolerate salt well.
Try Steve Beeman at Beeman's Nursery in New Smyrna. 1-877 767 6232 or email at [email protected].  If you want to shop around try to see who else might be carrying it.
Good Luck to you,
Jake Ingram