I'm enjoying my new job as VP Admin and have been very pleased with how readily you all have accepted me into the fold. I've been on a steep learning curve, both in terms of my direct responsibilities, but also in terms of how the Society works.
(As you can tell, I'm also having some fun with the electronic capabilities of this posting site!) Quarterly Executive Committee Report
submitted September 13, 2007
Vice President of Administration - Ann Redmond
Overall – I’ve been working with Shirley, Cammie, Karina, Sue and Joan on an assessment of our insurance coverages. Our Blanket Accident Insurance, Directors & Officers Liability Coverage and General Liability Coverage policies are coming up for renewal in 2.5 months, so we have started work on getting those renewed.
Peru Trip – A flurry of activity has whirled around the issue of whether FNPS is adequately protected from any liability for problems associated with this pending trip. The above-mentioned group has reviewed our insurance coverage in detail and has found it adequate. More importantly, the true responsibility for the trip lies with the travel vendor, not with FNPS. If in the highly unlikely event that problems are encountered with that trip, we will be covered. Finally, thanks to Joan Bausch, we had an attorney review and refine our field trip waiver for this trip and all participants will need to sign this in order to take the trip.
Temporary Contracts Committee – Appointed at the July board meeting to review our standard contracts. We need to be sure we’ve kept up with contract law and precedent, so this committee was appointed to review all of our standard language. The committee is comprised of:
Ann – Chair
Members – James Wheeler, Dick Workman & Candy Weller. All have verified their willingness to serve except Candy (no word from her as of this report)
I believe we can get
pro bono legal help in reviewing the contract language we target as needing legal assessment. We have a number of members who are lawyers, a few of whom are friends of mine.
Contracts -
Inserted here is a table of the contracts I have been provided copies of. One of my tasks is to verify that I HAVE all of our contracts. The Joslin & Hershkowitz, Inc. contract may be out-of-date, am looking into that.
Type Contractor Term Begins Term Ends Begin Renewal
Executive Director Karina Veaudry 06/01/07 05/31/09 03/15/09
Palmetto Visual Key Creative, Inc. 01/31/06 01/31/08 11/15/07
Consolidated Admin Just Cause Media 01/31/06 01/31/08 11/15/07
Accountant Joslin & Hershkowitz, Inc. 11/08/05 ?? ??
All contractors have been performing beautifully. No complaints from me. We are blessed in the quality of work they are providing us.
Please let me know what else you’d like to see in these reports. I want to provide you with the information you need and expect.
Thanks, Ann