Board of Directors Meeting - November 10, 2007

  • 17 Replies

Shirley Denton

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on: October 11, 2007, 10:05:32 PM
The Board Meeting Information Continues on a Second Page -- Click on "2" at in "Pages: [1] 2" at either the top or bottom of page!

The Agenda is Now Posted -- See attachments below

Dear Friends -

As you know, our next Board meeting is November 10, near Parish (south of Tampa, northeast of Ellenton).  We are invited to share in AFNN's annual picnic.  At the same time, this will be a meeting where we have a tremendous amount  to accomplish.  I'm sending you a list of the major items that will be on the agenda and will be sending you backup information as I get it so that you can discuss items of importance with your chapters before the meeting.  To keep the meeting manageable in length, we're going to try to emphasize the most important items on the agenda so that they get adequate time for discussion.

The list of major items is as follows:

  • New chapter approval (Marion County)
  • Replacement VP Finance 
  • 2008 Budget review, approval if possible 
  • Review of boiler plate contract language 
  • Review of scopes and budgets for contracts up for renewal -- administrative services, Palmetto, bookkeeper 
  • Dues increase proposal 
  • Report on FNPS insurance 
  • 2008 Conference committee report

We'll treat the items below more expeditiously

  • Approval of minutes (the draft minutes for July are posted on the Forum under BOD minutes) 
  • Officer Reports -- Since we're going to be short on time, we'll post reports on the forum and have an opportunity for questions and answers at the meeting. 
  • Committee Reports question/answer -  Since we're going to be short on time, we'll post reports on the forum and have an opportunity for questions and answers at the meeting. 
  • Executive Director report - -  Since we're going to be short on time, we'll post the report on the forum and have an opportunity for questions and answers at the meeting. 
  • Funding requests -- We have several funding requests.  If we have time, I suggest that we address them.  If not, we'll postpone discussion until the February meeting

Since some of these items are known to be controversial, and since there has been a recent emphasis on strict adherence to the By Laws, we're going to do our best to follow them.  The By Laws include a specific procedure for assigning proxies -- I don't remember FNPS ever following it, but we're going to so that there can be no question about the legitimacy of the votes.

To assign a proxy --

  • The Chapter Rep. must provide a note specifically assigning the proxy.  The note MUST be handed to the Secretary at the meeting. 
  • The note must be brought to the meeting by the person to whom the proxy is assigned, and that person MUST be a member of your chapter.

Let me strongly encourage you or a person from your chapter to whom you assign the proxy to be at the meeting.  We want everyone represented!

The meeting is a long drive for some of you.  Those of us who live close to the meeting site will do everything that we can to assist  you in being there.  If you need a place to stay or other assistance, please let Karina ([email protected]) know as soon as possible and we'll see what we can do to help.

All backup information for the meeting (budget, contracts, reports) will be posted on the Forum under the Board of Directors heading.  We'll also send e-mails with the information attached.  If you are someone who has trouble receiving attachments (or multiple attachments) such as AOL users, be sure to use the Forum so that you'll be able to see the information.

All this business said -- the AFNN barbequeue is a great opportunity to meet AFNN members and strenthen ties with those that you already know.  Let's plan to have fun!

---- Shirley

« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 10:30:27 PM by fnpsorg »
Shirley Denton

Shirley Denton

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Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 10:19:59 PM
According to the By Laws, the Board can appoint a replacement for an officer who is unable to complete his/her term of office.  Due to difficulty in attending meetings (from his new home in paradise), Travis MacClendon has requested that he be replaced.

According to the Handbook, the President can recommend a replacement.  Accordingly, I am recommending that the Board appoint Candy Weller to fill the remainder of Travis' term as VP Finance.

Candy has a long and distinguished history with FNPS.  She became involved with native plants in her late 20's.  She "found" the FNPS about 20 years ago and was thrilled that there were people with interests like hers.  She volunteered with the Pinelllas Chapter as the Treasurer for many years and worked on two FNPS conferences hosted by the Pinellas Chapter as well as on Pinellas' annual Holiday Meetings with Audobon. Became the Pinellas chapter represetative and eventually went on to the Executive Committee as VP of Finance, then Treasurer, President and Treasurer once again. She is proud to share the visions and values of the members of FNPS.  It is hard for me to imagine anyone more qualified to take on the position of VP Finance than Candy!

I also sought confirmation from Travis, both on his desire to be replaced (he will be missed!) and on his opinion of Candy as his replacement.  The following is a copy of his e-mail to me:

                                                         8 October 2007
Dear President Shirley Denton:

    I have requested that I be replaced as Vice President of Finance for
the Florida Native Plant Society.

    Recently you notified me that Ms Candy Weller has indicated that she
would like to assume the title and position.

    I have known and worked with Ms Weller within the FNPS for perhaps
15 years. My esteem for her and her abilities is great.

    I can think of no better choice for VP of Finance for the Florida
Native Plant Society. The Society will be well served.

    Very Respectfully,

    Travis MacClendon
    VP Finance, FNPS
    Blountstown, Fl
    [email protected]

Travis will be sorely missed.  I'll be looking for an excuse to visit with him and Karen in their great new home near Blountstown.  I thank him very very much for his service to FNPS.

--- Shirley
Shirley Denton

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Reply #2 on: October 11, 2007, 11:19:32 PM
As you doubtless remember, the Executive Committee has recommended that we up the dues beginning in January 2008 to the following rates:

Category2006 Rate2007 Rate2008 Rate
Contributing$40$50$75 ($25 to endowment)

Chapters would likewise get an increase in funding from the Society in accordance to the formula that is currently in effect -- the ExComm believes that both the Society and at least many Chapters need the increased funding.

The letter sent in May explaining the reasoning behind this request is attached. With the scanning of the old minutes, I could refine it (dates are known more precisely), however, the basic message remains unchanged.

Just a summary of some of the major reasons to seriously consider this increase include:
  • Funding of Chapter Grants
  • Funding of Conservation Grants
  • Funding of Endowment Awards at levels above what the Endowment Funds can handle
  • Contracting for a lobbyist
  • Increased mailing costs
  • Contracting for an Executive Director
  • Donations to worthy projects

The 2006 (and previous) dues structure did not anticipate any of the above costs.  The increase approved for 2007 was less than what was recommended and less than that needed to cover documented shortfalls (see the published 2006 audit).  We have just received one grant, the 2007 conference made money, and the 2008 conference is anticipated to make money.  However, dues are our stable source of funding, and it is prudent to have a dues structure that covers the major costs of running our organization.

Please consider your goals for the Society well and consult with your chapter so that this important vote will reflect the wishes of the membership.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:58:59 PM by EcotypeS »
Shirley Denton

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Reply #3 on: October 15, 2007, 09:04:07 PM
Budget Has Been Updated to Include Year-To-Date

The proposed 2008 budget is included as an "attachment" with this posting.  This budget is intended for review.  A recommendation is that any proposed changes be sent to Sue Thompson -- if appropriate, the budget (and this message) will be updated. 

For membership, the numbers in each membership category as of 9/30/07 and the proposed dues were used. This resulted in $16,000 more for the Society and $5,000 more for the chapters. We would have to increase the membership by 18% to achieve that without a dues increase, not including the expenses involved. No attempt has been made to distinguish between $25 and $30 memberships.
The budget also relies upon $20,000 in grants  and a good net return for the conference.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 11:12:42 PM by fnpsorg »
Shirley Denton

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Reply #4 on: October 15, 2007, 10:35:36 PM
Meeting Location
    US Cooperative Extension Svc
    1303 17th St W
    Palmetto, FL 334221

Picnic Location
    Sweet Bay Nursery
    10824 Erie Rd.
    Parrish, FL

Shirley Denton

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Reply #5 on: October 24, 2007, 12:29:38 AM
A new chapter has organized in Marion County!  They're working on a good name.  In the meantime, here is their petition for approval as a chapter!   Welcome, welcome!
Shirley Denton


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Reply #6 on: November 07, 2007, 08:35:40 AM
A Report to the Florida Native Plant Society Board of Directors

November 10, 2007

Our Cocoplum chapter (MCFNPS) attended the Florida Communities Trust  Governing Board meeting in Tallahassee on Thursday, November 1 to  support the Haney Creek Greenway Group in their opposition to the  request of the city of Stuart to sell 8.34 acres of previously bought  conservation land, which had used FCT funds. The plan was to sell  that land to the county for the Green River Parkway south extension.

Keith Kopf and Lisa Berry-Klausmeyer, president and vice-president  respectively, of the Haney Creek Greenway Group made their  presentation after Martin County personnel made a case for the use of 
the land based on something called the “linear” policy.

The HCGG had sent tons of supporting documents earlier for the  board’s perusal, but their presentation that day focused on a few  pertinent points. The board asked the county pointed questions  afterward, it was obvious they had done their homework.

The Governing Board agreed that it would be a dangerous precedent to  allow these acres to be carved out of conservation land. Had we not  been there to say otherwise, they might have bought the county’s  argument that there was no other alternative to rectify the failing 
level of service on Route 1 in the vicinity.

Also there to defend the conservation lands were Jason Totoiu of the  Everglades Law Center representing the Haney Creek group, the Martin  County Conservation Alliance, and the Sierra Club - Loxahatchee  group. 1000 Friends of Florida was represented by Uma Outka, and Joan 
Bausch spoke for the Martin County Chapter of the Florida Native  Plant Society.

It was a most gratifying moment to hear the motion to deny the  request and the energetic seconds to the motion!

After business was concluded, we thanked members as they left the  dais. This is when individual members said how important it was for  us to be there to speak.

A veteran member said he couldn’t recall another motion so vigorously  seconded.

"They wanted to send a message to cities and counties that (Florida  Communities Trust) property was off-limits for roads," said Martin  County Engineer Don Donaldson, who attended the hearing in 
Tallahassee Thursday to argue for the sale.   (quote from a local news account)

I would like to suggest that the FNPS President, Shirley Denton send  a letter of appreciation to the Governing Board of Florida  Communities Trust for their decision to protect Florida’s public 
conservation lands.

--- Joan Bausch
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Reply #7 on: November 07, 2007, 08:51:41 AM
Question from Bill Bilideau (Pinellas):  Would FNPS like to join this educational programs.


We would like to invite your organization to become a member of the No Child Left InsideSM Coalition. The Coalition represents over 110 educational, environmental, health, and business organizations across the country comprising more than 16 million people (see list below).  We believe the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides Congress with the opportunity to address one of the unintended consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) – the elimination or scaling-back of environmental education and field investigations in schools throughout the nation.  To better prepare students for the 21st century economy and to improve student achievement and health, we are urging Congress to include the provisions of H.R.3036 and S.1981 – the No Child Left Inside Act – in the reauthorization bill. This measure would support the efforts of states and school systems to develop environmental literacy plans and train teachers to deliver quality environmental education programs in the classroom and outdoors.


The No Child Left Inside Act of 2007 amends the NCLB law in the following ways:

§  Provides federal funding to states to train teachers in environmental education and to operate model environmental education programs, which include outdoor learning.

§  Provides funding to states that create environmental literacy plans to ensure that high school graduates are environmentally literate.

§  Provides funding through an environmental education grant program to build state and national capacity.


To be a member of the Coalition:

  • Send to Anita Kraemer ([email protected]) your organization’s name, the name of the executive director/CEO/president who will “sign” for the organization and his/her title. Also let Anita know how many individuals are represented by your organization (e.g., members).
  • Alert your organization’s membership (via email, newsletter, website, etc.) about the importance of environmental education in the No Child Left Behind Act and encourage them to contact their representative and senators.
  • Write letters to the editor or op-eds for your local newspapers.
  • Send updates to your members as they become available from the Coalition.
  • Sign on to Coalition letters to Congress, as appropriate.

We hope you will join the Coalition and actively encourage Congress to include environmental education in NCLB.


Thank you.


Don Baugh, NCLI Coalition Coordinator

NCLI Coalition Members as of 10/26/07

  • Alaska Natural Resource and Outdoor Education Association
  • Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education, Inc.
  • American Forest Federation/Project Learning Tree
  • American Recreation Coalition
  • American Sail Training Association
  • American Society of Landscape Architects
  • American Trails
  • Anacostia Watershed Society
  • Antioch University New England
  • Anza-Borrego Foundation and Institute
  • Apeiron Institute for Environmental Living
  • Appalachian Mountain Club
  • Arbor Day Foundation
  • Arizona Association for Environmental Education
  • Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education - California
  • Association of Nature Center Administrators
  • Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  • Audubon Naturalist Society
  • Audubon Society of Rhode Island
  • Back to Natives Restoration
  • Bridgewater State College
  • Camp Fire USA
  • Canyonlands Field Institute
  • Carpenter Nature Center
  • Center for Ecosystem Survival
  • Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  • Children and Nature Network
  • Claytor Nature Study Center of Lynchburg College
  • Coalition for Community Schools
  • Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education
  • Connecticut Forest & Park Association
  • Connecticut Outdoor & Environmental Education Association
  • Council for Environmental Education (Project WILD, Flying WILD)
  • Dimensions Educational Research Foundation
  • “e” Inc.
  • Eaglemont
  • Earth Day Network
  • Earth Force, Inc.
  • Capital Region Earth Force ( Washington , DC )
  • Frontrange Earth Force ( Denver )
  • Delaware Valley Earth Force ( Philadelphia )
  • Suncoast Earth Force (Tampa/St. Petersburg )
  • Lowcountry Earth Force ( Charleston )
  • Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force ( Erie )
  • Ecological Society of America
  • f Georgia
  • Environmental Education Association of Illinois
  • Environmental Education Association of Oregon
  • Environmental Education Association of South Carolina
  • Environmental Education Council of Ohio
  • Environmental Educators of North Carolina
  • Environmental Education Association of Washington
  • Environmental Resource Center
  • Franklin Park Coalition
  • Golden State Environmental Education Consortium
  • Heal the Bay
  • Hooked on Nature
  • Houston Audubon Society
  • Idaho Environmental Education Association
  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education
  • Kentucky Association for Environmental Education
  • Kokua Hawai'i Foundation
  • League of Environmental Educators in Florida
  • Leopold Education Project
  • Living Classrooms Foundation
  • Maine Audubon
  • Maine Environmental Education Association
  • Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education
  • Mass Audubon
  • Massachusetts Environmental Education Society
  • Minnesota Association for Environmental Education
  • Mississippi Environmental Education Alliance
  • National Association of Interpretation
  • National Audubon Society
  • National Council for Science and the Environment
  • National Education Association
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
  • National Recreation and Park Association
  • National Science Teachers Association
  • National Service-Learning Partnership
  • National Wildlife Federation
  • Natural Science Collaborative
  • Nebraska Alliance for Conservation and Environmental Education
  • Neponset River Watershed Association
  • Nevada Natural Resource Education Council
  • New Hampshire Audubon
  • New Jersey Audubon Society
  • North American Association of Environmental Education
  • Ohio River Foundation
  • Oregon Trout - Healthy Waters Institute
  • Outward Bound
  • Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators
  • Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever
  • Planning and Conservation League
  • Rhode Island Environmental Education Association
  • Zoo
  • Save San Francisco Bay Association
  • Save The Bay
  • Saving Birds Thru Habitat
  • Second Nature
  • Sierra Club
  • Teatown Lake Reservation
  • Tennessee Environmental Council
  • Tennessee Environmental Education Association
  • Tennessee League of Conservation Voters
  • The Conservation Fund
  • The Corps Network
  • The Ocean Project
  • The Wilderness Society
  • Valley Forward Association
  • Wild Bird Centers of America, Inc.
  • Wildcat Glades Conservation and Audubon Center
  • Wildlife Conservation Society
  • WindStar Wildlife Institute
  • Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education
  • Wyoming Association for Environmental Education
  • Youth Service America
« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 08:41:52 AM by fnpsorg »
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Reply #8 on: November 07, 2007, 08:59:47 AM
Suncoast has developed an updated mulch brochure.  They will be printing the brochure for local use, however, having the society print the brochure for general distribution within the society may be a cost-wise alternative.  The brochure is attached -- but please see proposed changes within this message.

This is a cost estimate for reprinting the Alternatives to Cypress Mulch brochure.
Quantity/price*: 1,000/$515     2,000/$650     5,000/$960    10,000/$1440
*  plus sales tax
I attached a pdf of the original brochure. The contact information on page 1 (middle column) will be changed to state affiliation and the box labeled “Alternative Mulches” on page 2 would be replaced with the following text:

Alternative Organic Mulches

Recycled Yard Waste
Mulch made by your county or city from recycled plant debris is very inexpensive (or even free in some areas). To locate your closest source, contact your Solid Waste Department or County Extension Service.

Melaleuca Mulch
Melaleuca, or punk tree, is an invasive nonnative tree that has taken over 500,000 acres of the Florida Everglades. Turning this tree into mulch helps rid the state of this terrible pest plant. Melaleuca mulch is long-lasting and termite resistant. Commercially available mulch is processed to kill the seeds and roots - one brand is “Florimulch.”

If your garden store does not sell this mulch, ask the garden store manager to regularly stock melaleuca mulch.

Pine Bark
Excellent mulch with long-lasting, dark brown color.

Pine Straw
Available commercially by the bale or free if you rake it yourself.

Oak Leaves
Excellent mulch – available for free if you rake it yourself.

Eucalyptus Mulch
Produced from plantation-grown trees, this mulch
is naturally insect-repellent, with a rich, long-lasting color.

Bean and nut shells
Pecan, cocoa-bean, and peanut shells are excellent, but difficult to find mulches. Pecan shells are dark brown and long-lasting.

Good, temporary mulch. The cellulose in newspaper decomposes quickly – use only black print newspaper.



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Reply #9 on: November 07, 2007, 11:42:18 AM
Two Directors at Large have asked to be replaced.  As your president, I am recommending that the following individuals be approved to serve the remainder of the terms.  As the BOD, you can accept these suggestions or propose (and approve) other alternatives....Shirley

Fritz  Wettstein replacing Lauren Day for the remainder of the Director-At-Large #2 position (2006-2008)
John "Fritz" Wettstein
(Magnolia Chapter)
A Florida native, Fritz Wettstein has been working over 25 years for the creative conservation of natural resources.  In his current role as an Environmental Manager with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, where he has worked for 19 years, he is responsible for protecting beach and dune systems from improperly sited or designed coastal development.  In his 5rd year as an adjunct professor with the FAMU School of Architecture, Master's of Landscape Architecture Program, he teaches and conducts field studies for students of natural communities and resource management courses and serves on thesis committees. Fritz has served as the City of Ormond Beach Landscape Architect, designing community gardens and streetscapes, and as a Landscape Architect for the Florida Park Service, planning and designing public recreation areas.  He received an undergraduate degree in environmental studies from Rollins College and a Master's of Landscape Architecture from North Carolina State University.   His service to the Florida Native Plant Society has included working in the Maclay Native Arboretum sponsored by the Magnolia Chapter and serving as a chapter director and conference co-chair.   Fritz has an interest in FNPS native plant conservation, publications and research.

Lynne Flannery replacing Laurel Schiller for the remainder fo the Director-At-Large #1 position (2006-2008).

Growing up in the suburbs of Rochester, New York, I always dreamed I would join the likes of Dian Fossey and Jane Goodall and spend my days watching critters in the jungles of Africa.  After completing a bachelor’s in zoology, the only thing I was sure of was I wanted to travel.  My next few years were spent as a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras.  I learned to love beans and rice and dance the meringue, but most importantly I discovered my perfect career – education.

Upon returning to the United States I completed a master’s degree in environmental interpretation from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.  I then worked as an educator at a nature center and as the education curator at a zoo, both in Northern New York.  I moved down to Florida in January 2005, to escape the cold and accept my current position as the Ridge Rangers Volunteer Coordinator with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

I have always loved exploring the outdoors.  My very favorite Florida activity is canoe camping in Everglades National Park.  My other half and I have canoed hundreds of miles enjoying the diverse wildlife of the Everglades and cannot wait to return again this winter.  We take pleasure in the challenge of finding our way, battling the tides and weather and seeing something new every time.

 Footnote:  Lynne organizes the “Ridge Rangers” associated with the Lake Wales ridge area of the state for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionDivision of Habitat and Species Conservation. .

« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 09:57:56 PM by fnpsorg »
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Reply #10 on: November 07, 2007, 10:39:10 PM
I asked Joanne Trebatowski to send us a report on the Peru trip.  It sounds like the group had a great time!   She reports that the travel company has donated $2400 to FNPS.  She also notes that donations from all past trips plus the current trip have reached approximately $19000.

Joanne has written an article for the Sabal minor -- a preview is attached.
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Reply #11 on: November 07, 2007, 11:37:43 PM
Cindy Liberton, Chair FNPS Communications, FNPS Webteam
Hernando Chapter, VP for Admin
[email protected] • 352-583-2384


•   Continue to publicize the Awards (e.g., Endowment awards, Landscape awards, Conservation Awards, Chapter Grants, and Palmetto Awards)
•   Put up new pages marketing for 2008 conference. Add details-ongoing
•   Accomplishments as we've got 'em. Write Press Releases on new Chapters and distribute.

Society Identity/Promotion
•   Solidifying plans for production of FNPS polo shirt; vendor and colors selected w help from George Kish. Need to figure out sales procedures and storage. Will advertise on web.
•   Design FNPS Displays for use at key events
- Marjorie Shropshire has agreed to design and manage production upon approval of
budget by board.
- Text drafted; to be finalized Nov/Dec 2007
- Sending photos to Marjorie, Nov/Dec 2007
- Interim display materials in preparation

Presentation Support
•   Templates for Powerpoints on-line. Big file; dial-up will need patience.

•   Sabal Minor - first E-News distributed; listserv distribution trouble-shooting on-going; Opt-in to paper underway; E-news will be streamlined with links to Web version
•   Key publications directory and bibliography; for web and print – still in the works
•   Revisit coloring books

•   Revision of FAQs for Chapter Reps (one of our favorite documents) – still in the works
•   Gift membership certificate to be designed

•   On-line membership payment prioritized; under investigation.
•   Forum – created new sections for FNPS governance discussion; must upgrade software.
•   Redesign underway for policy page.
•   Create "printable" layout for key areas – anticipated winter 2007
•   Create collection of Plant Profiles for Chapter Use – as time allows
•   Populate Newsletter Resource pages, Seek useful articles to share from Chapters.
•   The Listserv is reborn and populated. Strategies for mass mailings researched and troubleshot by Shirley and Paul. Strategy for verifying, updating membership e-mail underway
1. Merchandise --Someone to get us started on developing some promotionals, such as magnets, hats, etc. I'd like to see us do a FNPS calendar, too. However, it has to be somebody with the skills and expertise to actually conceptualize and take these products to the hoop with little direction.

2. Webteam member -- we could always use another geek. 

3. Public relations and media relations writer/expert—Goal is write one press release per month to be distributed to major newspapers. We seek someone with a passion for this doing it on a routine basis. And someone who could write feature articles for us.

4. Speaker's bureau -- the page is ready, we just need someone to take the lead.

Karina Veaudry


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Reply #12 on: November 07, 2007, 11:39:06 PM
We will launch the

Holidays Natives Mega Membership Explosion

1 December 2007 thru Earth Day 22 April 2008

Goal is for each and every member to present a gift membership to a friend, colleague, neighbor, family, ally, foe

Grand Awards for all Chapters enlarging their memberships by 100%

When one member gives 5 gifts, 4 members do not have to give a gift
and the Chapter can still win the grand prizes
Note: If the FNPS gains $10 on each gift membership and we double our members,
FNPS adds $10 x 3000 = $30,000

Suggested Reward: A Large 3x5 foot or 4x6 foot flowing color Palmetto Logo Florida Native Plant Society Flag

Karina Veaudry


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Reply #13 on: November 07, 2007, 11:40:13 PM
 The Hernando Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society

Dear ________,
   Welcome to the Hernando Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society.  We look forward to seeing you at the monthly meetings, held the first Monday of each month, at the Hernando County Extension Service.
   The next meeting will be February 5. Come at 6:30pm to chat and have a light meal.  The meeting begins at 7pm, and this month’s presentation is about beneficial bugs in the garden.
   As new members, be sure to see Rita for your free plant raffle ticket. You may go home with a native plant for your yard!
   I’ll look forward to meeting you soon!
               =Kathleen East
               Membership Chair
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Reply #14 on: November 07, 2007, 11:41:22 PM
FNPS Science Advisory Committee Report
October 17, 2007
Paul A. Schmalzer, Ph.D.

1. The email distribution list for announcements from the Science Advisory Committee was updated and revised. University contacts provided by Anne Birch, FNPS Director at large, were added as appropriate.

2. The Call for Scientific Papers and Posters for the 2008 Annual Conference was developed and reviewed by the Executive Director. It was submitted for publication in the next available issue of The Palmetto and also the next available issue of the Sabal minor. The Call appeared in the October issue of Sabal minor. It has been submitted to the FNPS Webmaster for posting on the web site. The Call was distributed by email in early October to the Science Committee distribution list.  FNPS Executive Director Karina Veaudry also distributed the Call for Papers to Chapters. The deadline for submissions will be February 1, 2008.

3. The Announcement of the 2008 Endowment Research Awards was developed and reviewed by the Executive Director. It was submitted for publication in the next available issue of The Palmetto and also the next available issue of the Sabal minor. The Announcement appeared in the October issue of Sabal minor.  The FNPS Webmaster has updated the website with the new information.  It was distributed by email in mid October to the Science Committee distribution list. FNPS Executive Director Karina Veaudry also distributed the Announcement of the Endowment Research Awards to Chapters. The deadline for applications will be March 7, 2008.

Karina Veaudry