Cindy Liberton, Chair FNPS Communications, FNPS Webteam
Hernando Chapter, VP for Admin
[email protected] • 352-583-2384
• Continue to publicize the Awards (e.g., Endowment awards, Landscape awards, Conservation Awards, Chapter Grants, and Palmetto Awards)
• Put up new pages marketing for 2008 conference. Add details-ongoing
• Accomplishments as we've got 'em. Write Press Releases on new Chapters and distribute.
Society Identity/Promotion
• Solidifying plans for production of FNPS polo shirt; vendor and colors selected w help from George Kish. Need to figure out sales procedures and storage. Will advertise on web.
• Design FNPS Displays for use at key events
- Marjorie Shropshire has agreed to design and manage production upon approval of
budget by board.
- Text drafted; to be finalized Nov/Dec 2007
- Sending photos to Marjorie, Nov/Dec 2007
- Interim display materials in preparation
Presentation Support
• Templates for Powerpoints on-line. Big file; dial-up will need patience.
• Sabal Minor - first E-News distributed; listserv distribution trouble-shooting on-going; Opt-in to paper underway; E-news will be streamlined with links to Web version
• Key publications directory and bibliography; for web and print – still in the works
• Revisit coloring books
• Revision of FAQs for Chapter Reps (one of our favorite documents) – still in the works
• Gift membership certificate to be designed
• On-line membership payment prioritized; under investigation.
• Forum – created new sections for FNPS governance discussion; must upgrade software.
• Redesign underway for policy page.
• Create "printable" layout for key areas – anticipated winter 2007
• Create collection of Plant Profiles for Chapter Use – as time allows
• Populate Newsletter Resource pages, Seek useful articles to share from Chapters.
• The Listserv is reborn and populated. Strategies for mass mailings researched and troubleshot by Shirley and Paul. Strategy for verifying, updating membership e-mail underway
1. Merchandise --Someone to get us started on developing some promotionals, such as magnets, hats, etc. I'd like to see us do a FNPS calendar, too. However, it has to be somebody with the skills and expertise to actually conceptualize and take these products to the hoop with little direction.
2. Webteam member -- we could always use another geek.
3. Public relations and media relations writer/expert—Goal is write one press release per month to be distributed to major newspapers. We seek someone with a passion for this doing it on a routine basis. And someone who could write feature articles for us.
4. Speaker's bureau -- the page is ready, we just need someone to take the lead.