Science Advisory Committee Report 2009 04

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on: April 09, 2009, 02:11:19 PM
FNPS Science Advisory Committee Report
April 9, 2009
Paul A. Schmalzer, Ph.D.

1.   The deadline for abstracts for the Science Track paper and poster sessions was February 15, 2009. We received 12 papers and 12 posters. This was a substantial increase from 2008 where we had 8 papers and 5 posters. Papers and posters have been scheduled for the Annual Conference in West Palm Beach. Several late inquiries for presenting papers or posters had to be declined. Papers and poster presenters represent seven universities, four non-profits, one state agency, once city agency, one environmental company, and one private individual. Five recipients of Endowment Research Awards are presenting at this year’s conference.

2.   There were 20 applications for the 2009 Endowment Research Grant Awards. That was a little less than we received last year. The deadline for applications was March 6, 2009.  Applications came from eight universities, two botanical consulting companies, one non-profit, and one private individual. Five states were represented in the applications. One application initially submitted for the Research Grant was transferred to the Conservation Grant category where it was a better fit.

3.   The review committee for the 2009 endowment research awards grants was Dr. Richard Wunderlin, University of South Florida, Carl Weekley, Archbold Biological Station, Dr. Daphne Lambright, Biotechnical Support Services, and Dr. Paul Schmalzer, Dynamac Corporation.

4.   The review committee reached a consensus on the four proposals to recommend to the Board of Directors for funding.  These are:

Nicholas Buckley, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee.
Mating system biology of the Florida native plant: Illicium parviflorum.

James M. Heaney, Department of Biology, University of Florida and Florida Museum of Natural History.
Systematics, biogeography, and conservation genetics of two Florida endemics, Nolina brittoniana and N. atopocarpa (Ruscaceae).

Herbert Kesler and Jennifer Trusty, Folius Consulting.
Evaluation and conservation of Harperocallis flava: A federally endangered plant in the savannas of the Apalachicola River Basin.

Alice A. Winn, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University.
Demographic analysis to understand what determines the success and failure of populations of the endangered Florida endemic Conradina glabra.
Karina Veaudry