Creation of committees to develop an action plan for the next Summit of Southeastern Native Plant Societies is progressing. A deadline of December 31, 2010 will be established for finalization of committees assignments to allow time for drafting of the action plan to be completed prior to the July Summit at the Cullowhee Conference. Florida representatives include: Steve Woodmansee, who will chair the committee addressing protections for endangered plant species; Greg Jubinsky, who will represent FNPS on the committee addressing inter-jurisdictional coordination to control invasive species; and Gene Kelly, who will chair and represent FNPS on the committee addressing conservation of habitat for plants.
Lobbyist Sue Mullins has agreed to serve as liaison between FNPS and the Florida Dept of Agriculture to help FNPS introduce the new Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam, to the FNPS mission and establish a basis for coordination on issues relevant to FNPS. We wish to make initial overtures before the new Commissioner's term officially begins. It is anticipated that biofuels will become an increasingly prominent issue in Florida.