Agenda for 2-24-2007 Meeting at Archbold Biological Station

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on: February 13, 2007, 08:03:35 PM
Our next Board Meeting is looming.  It is at Archbold -- the first piece of natural Florida that I ever visited and one that quickly became a favorite.  If you are planning to stay overnight at the station, call now to make arrangements.  The contact information is in the Society Calendar (follow the menu to Member Services --> Society Coordination --> Society Calendar.

A draft agenda is included with this message as a Word document.  You can add to this agenda by e-mailing Shirley.

A major item on the agenda is nominations for Palmetto and Mentor awards.  If you have someone to nominate, please let Shirley know.

I'll be looking forward to seeing each and all of you on the 24th.

--- Shirley
FNPS WebTeam

Shirley Denton

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Reply #1 on: February 20, 2007, 10:38:13 PM
A hopefully final draft of the landscape ordinance can be downloaded from the following links:

The first link is a word file and the second is a pdf.  The second is a shorter download.  Neither could be uploaded to this forum due to length!   :-\
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 12:45:11 AM by EcotypeS »
Shirley Denton


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Reply #2 on: February 22, 2007, 05:39:17 PM
Florida Native Plant Society
Executive Director Quarterly Report

February, 2007

Note:  Detailed, daily timesheets are available upon request

1.   Chapter Assistance
a.   In process of pursuing membership recruitment and publicity assistance to FNPS chapters.  Priority is Longleaf Pine, South Ridge and Naples chapters.
b.   Specific issues pursued and assistance given to all chapters when requested during past three months.
c.   Communication and questions facilitated and issues forwarded to agencies/FNPS committees/individuals.
d.   Speaker recommendations to South Ridge, Lyonia, Paw Paw and Tarflower chapters.
e.   Field trip recommendations to South Ridge, Keys Group and Tarflower.
f.   Assist Sumter chapter with start-up issues.
g.   Assist Lyonia with new officer recruitment.
h.   Assist Keys chapter with hammock destruction issue.
i.   Assist Lakelas Mint with land donation issue.
j.   Pass along field trip ideas, etc.
k.   Send chapters sample bylaws, officer duties, membership recruitment ideas, etc. answering requests for information.
l.   Direct comments and questions to individuals to facilitate communication.
m.   Answer assistance questions for Ixia, other chapters.
n.   Send articles of interest, conservation news, etc. regionally.
o.   Send updates on issues members/chapters are interested in.

2.   Chapter Meetings Attended
November, 2006 – Conference Call with Cocoplum Chapter
          Serenoa Chapter
December, 2006 – Lyonia & Paw Paw Chapters
3.   The continuous facilitation of communication between Executive committee members and assisting them in their goals and objectives has been aiding in the production of resources and materials for all chapters.  I continue to generate ideas, projects and issues and follow up on Executive Committee Action Item list (see attached).
4.   Facilitate communication between Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Chapters.
5.   FNPS Handbook:  Continue to collect data and issue that need to be added to the FNPS Handbook. 
6.   Continuous work on Conference Guidelines document.
7.   Collection and filing of chapter volunteer hours/form.
8.   Review and collect pertinent information from archived BOD meeting notebooks (scan documents as appropriate).
9.   Coordinate and organize calendar information on website with meeting information and keep it updated.
Conference Planning
1.   2008 conference: Type up and coordinat the speaker and sponsor lists from meetings, prepared a budget (calls and research associated), coordinating food and beverage menus and pricing with conference co-chairs.  Starting compilation of large scale sponsors.  Coordination of 2008 conference venue and discussions with Serenoa Chapter.
2.   Negotiate and secure 2008 conference venue.
3.   Negotiate and secure hotels and room rates.
4.   Coordinate vendor location/costs.
5.   Send sample field trip coordination spreadsheet; send sample sponsor package.
6.   Assist in the development of sponsor benefits brochure.
7.   Assist in coordination of (4) chapters for 2008 conference planning endeavors.
8.   Consolidate historical vendor data; Consolidate historical sponsor lists.
9.   Create a critical path timeline for conference planning.
10.   Work on Conference guidelines handbook.
11.   Assist in developing an “exhibit swap” with the Florida Trail Association.
12.   Coordinate University of Florida Landscape Architecture students to take part in conf.
13.   Research conference hosting for 2010 and  2012 conferences.
14.   Attend (2) conference planning meetings (2008).
Communications Committee
1.   Assist as needed
2.   Send out Landscape awards notifications.
3.   Compilation of (53) affiliated organizations for information and keeping up to date on FNPS mission related issues.
4.   Start process to create a “Native Plant Month” in Florida
5.   Solicit American Society of Landscape Architects to partake in FNPS Landscape awards.
6.   Coordinate C. Liberton’s FNPS ads to Federation of Garden Clubs and chapters.
7.   Review chapter newsletters; Save pertinent issues, send info to other chapters, etc.
1.   Working with Conservation Co-Chairs Suzanne Kennedy and Eugene Kelly to develop state wide conservation regional representatives.
2.   Facilitate FNPS membership (legislative approval) to the Florida Highway Beautification Council.
3.   Assist in soliciting comments to the proposed FNPS Landscape Ordinance Handbook from experts and other organizations; Review Florida landscape ordinances for native plant guidance; revise document with corrections, comments for BOD review and approval.
4.   Solicit information/research Florida native plant landscape ordinances.
1.   Assist as needed.
2.   Assisting in the coordination an environmental education/field trip weekend for members – October 13 and 14, 2007.
3.   Record speaker information from various chapter for future dissemination.
4.   Update speaker’s bureau list; update website.
5.   Collect and file FNPS professionals information for future dissemination.

1.   Scan and file all audit, budget and 990 forms electronically.
2.   Assist chapters with 501C3 questions.
3.   Coordinate transition of FNPS travel trips from Joanne Trebatoski to Karen Fraley for consistency and future development.
4.   Compilation of information and forms for FNPS to be eligible for Earthshare charitable funds.
5.   Discuss fundraising strategies with California Native Plant Society and International Society of Arboriculture officers.
Grant Procurement
1.   Research new edition of Florida Foundation book.
2.   Palmetto funding
3.   Restortation – scrub
4.   Conference scholarships
5.   Education Outreach
6.   Wrote grants and coordinate consultants and contractors.
7.   Not successful in attaining grants. 


Grantor         Grant Administrator Comments

SWFWMD   Grant information covers more watersheds than than the specific watersheds requesting funds for.  Watershed managers do not want to pay for a grant that will produce information in another watershed.  Grant was written for an educational display in Pinellas but the information would cover several of the regions watersheds.

Florida Fish & Wildlife    Good information but was not short-listed to
Conservation Commission      receive funds this year.  Re-apply.

Wildlife Conservation   $45 million dollars worth of grant applicants
Opportunity Fund   received; only $1 million available to give.

Dade County    Judges this year focused on water conservation.
Environmental Grant   Grant was excellent, reappy next year.

Letters of Interest Sent:   Kresge Foundation
   Town Creek Foundation
   Barnes Foundation
   Humane Earth Foundation
   Duke Charitable Funds Foundation
   Beldon Fund

Will find out within 3 weeks if SWFWMD Cooperative Education Initiative grant was successful.

Grant due dates applying for in next seven months:

EPA Environmental Fund
               Reapply for all Grants listed above
               Community Foundation
               US Fish & Wildlife Service Conserv
               Center for Biological Diversity
               Gannett Grant
               George B. Storer Foundation
Land Management
1.   Assist as needed.
Landscape Awards
1.   Assisting Mike Kenton with submittals, judging and publicity.
1.   Assisting with various on-going projects.
Policy & Legislation
1.   Attending Florida Forever Coalition meetings and reporting back. 
2.   File and archive all Arundo donax information and communication for FNPS files.
3.   Coordinate various issues; send articles and media information to Co-chairs.
4.   Assist in coordination of NPR interview with Shirley Denton RE: A. donax.  Distribute FNPS A. donax policy statement.
5.   Attend (4) different planning group organizations to discuss large landscape planning/conservation issues (My Region / Osceola Conservation Alliance/ TNC-Audubon).
6.   Disseminate information on Guava planting, Red Bay disease, Australian Pine protection, ATV’s in state/national parks, cyp mulch, bioprospecting.
1.   Have assisted Rosalind in securing articles for the Sabal Minor.
2.   Continued work on creating a media contact list for all regional newspapers and media sources.
3.   Reprint new member info “why Fl native plants”, Planning and planting a native plant year – John Beriault, and FNPS Green brochure
4.   Update or notify Webmaster, Paul Rebmann of changes and updates.
5.   Promote the FNPS coloring books to outside agencies and schools to get order up over 10,000 for price break.
1.   Assist as needed


Priority List –  FNPS Executive Director

Board of Directors
•   Facilitate liaison relationships with general public, FNPS membership, partner organizations, advocacy entities and governmental officials.

•   Provide logistics, support, reminders and assistance for BOD meetings.  Provide carpool coordination (overnight in Heartland-Amee’, Lynka to Naples, etc.)

•   Assist and interact with all Committee Chairs with their respective projects.  Facilitate intra-committee communication.

•   Facilitate trans-disciplinary efforts in creating programs and projects within FNPS committees.

•   Assist with recruitment of Communications Co-Chair, Publications Co-Chair, Education Co-Chair and additional committee members for all committees.

•   Initiate the start of new chapters.

•   Attend one Chapter meeting minimum per month.

•   Prepare quarterly reports on Exec. Dir. Activities.

•   Provide and maintain FNPS document /resource data base.

•   Provide and update matrix of contacts.

•   Ensure all FNPS documents are up to date and accurate; Scan archive documents.

•   Develop a list of conferences, state conservation initiatives and public education events to attend and promote FNPS strategic plan and mission.

•   Attend (2) non-governmental conferences per year with FNPS Display.

•   Attend (1) governmental conference per year representing FNPS

•   Assist with updating and implementing Strategic Plan.  Develop a prioritization list of FNPS strategic plan and mission goals.

•   Update and maintain FNPS Handbook - (Review and revise Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Chapter Representative orientation & training guidelines).  Revise chapter application / sample chapter bylaws / orientation for Exec. BOD chap rep; Hard notebook with instructions for page inserts, pass along book to next rep, etc.

•   Provide regional plant lists to municipalities and developers / ppt presentation.

•   Ensure Landscape Architects learn more about commercially available native plants and promote the specifications of.

•   Chapter business cards – word template out

•   Order FNPS color books.

•   Treasurer – Assist in putting chapter financial guidelines on website– Categories: Umbrella; Indiv. Chap 501c3; More than two plant sales = need tax exempt number;  If apply for grants need to be 501c3, etc.

•   Facilitate the usage of Skype web conferencing system

•   Collect the volunteer hours from chapters annually (from form generated and distributed)

•   Small chapter assistance:  Naples, Heartland, Keys, Lakela’s Mint, South Ridge, Nature Coast, Live Oak, Broward, Longleaf Pine.

•   Organize FNPS “Professionals” listing

•   April 22, 1985 – FNPS successful in passing a state resolution calling this “Native Plant Day”; Pursue state resolution of a “Native Plant Month”.

•   Involve Directors At Large in FNPS projects

•   Contact St. Joe/Arvida Headquarters and offer professional services

•   New Conference Organization; Future planning

•   Complete tourist development and scholarship grants.

•   Develop Conference Planning guidelines.

•   Coordinate regional representatives to report to Conservation Co-Chairs.  Assist in achieving FNPS Conservation goals and objectives.

•   Meet with municipalities to present the FNPS landscape ordinance guildelines.

•   Contribute to 1,000 Friends of Florida website for ecological planning and planting.

•   Aid with national efforts to get real protection for rare plants ( Coordinate with Emily Roberson of NPCC)

•   Distribute regional invasive pamphlets to chapters for distribution

•   Assist with media/public relations program.

•   Assist Communication/Policy committees in producing eco-alerts.  Coordinate email sign up of members.

•   Produce one media contact minimum per month.

•   Facilitate communication by and between the FNPS Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Chapter Representatives, and Chapter Officers to coordinate programs, events, informational resources and projects, etc.

•   Assist in helping chapters get their newsletters in pdf format and emailable or link to chapter website and have newsletter on website.  Cindy/Paul to write paper.

•   Project - Mapping plant communities – the relationship of plants in nature (plant community = relationship, communication, ) Bill Bissett has these drawings – Dick Workman idea. (Coordinate with Cindy to get on Website)

•   Assist in getting Sabal Minor in emailable pdf format for those members who would participate.

•   Get copy of Cindy’s PSA for radio announcement and utilize in other regions.

•   Post sample bylaws, field trip waiver and sample chapter budget spreadsheet on website.

•   Create a database for external information sources and references.

•   Provide and maintain contact data base.

•   Merchandizing on website

•   Find feature article / press release writer volunteer

•   Assist Comm. Chair re: table top display template for chapters

•   Welcome wagon / new resident brochure

•   Assist in completing (2) powerpoint presentations with scripts for the following user groups:  Municipalities / General Public-Master Gardeners (utilize existing material)
o   Content Development
o    Design
o   Information Architecture
o   Marketing Dissemination

•   Master gardener education – Mary Ann Bolla/Steve Johnson

•   FNPS Activity book for school system

•   Review TNC’s Alternative Program

   Educational workshop/field trip weekend for members planned for October 13/14 2007 (Maria Minno, Elizabeth Flynn)

   Get Florida Yards and Neighborhoods to put our info at end of their presentation.

   Homeowner’s Assoc. Guidelines – Add to FL Yards and Neigh. Document.

   Posters for tri-fold outreach displays (Velcro)

   Speakers Bureau

   Get copy of Bill Petty’s (Magnolia Chapter) native fungi presentation
Google – florida fungi for his website.  [email protected]

•   Make video (get grant) of Guy England with Magnolia chap.  Ret. Botanist with Osceola/Appilachicola/Ocala Forests, Mike Owen at Fakahatchee.  3600 Turkey Run Lane, Tall, 32312;  850.669.7440;  [email protected], S. Hopkins, Angus Gholson, Al Squires & Denny Girard, Dick Deurling & Roger Hammer

•   Make CD of Sam Hopkin’s papers with Tarflower Chapter  (CHAPTER GRANT)

•   Assist in distribution of Tracy McCommon’s videos

•   TNC Alternative program

•   Info. regarding easements over existing passive city/county parks

•   Kish homeowner guidelines – sample done

•   Connections to FL Yards and Neighborhoods

•   Ensure IRS filing and assist with coordination.

•   Coordinate getting sample chapter budget on website.

•   Develop fund raising strategies with ‘‘Development’ sub-committee.
o   Annual letter
o   Travel trips
o   Educational weekend/field trip

•   Executive Director Salary

•   Intern to organize Archival information – from Palmettos, index articles/ different topics index/ scan all palmettos.

•   Educational programs and distribution

•   Science / Conservation, Restoration of scrub

•   Conference Scholarships

•   Powerpoint projectors (Mangrove, Tarflower)

•   Outreach/education grants (publications, CD’s, Color Book, etc.)

•   Community Model Ordinances Guidelines and distribution.

Land Management
•   Assist as needed.

Landscape Awards
•   Assist with productivity, publicity and archiving methods
•   Get more Landscape Architects involved in submitting projects.

•   Assist Co-chairs with newly established goals and objectives.
•   Membership lapse letter.

Policy & Legislation
•   Participate in the Florida Forever Coalition; Report back to Policy Committee

•   Assist the Policy and Legislation Committee with research for writing policy and position statements. 

o   Rubber Mulch, Cyp. Mulch
o   Genetic engineering  (obtain Ecological Soc. of Amer. Info.
o   Biomass energy / Invasives – recommend state permitting process and protocol
o   Guava planting
o   Red Bay disease
o   Australian Pine protection
o   ATV’s in state/national parks
o   Bioprospecting.

•   Find and archive existing policies/position statements from archival documents.
•   Attend different planning group organizations to discuss large landscape planning/conservation issues.
•   Participate in eco-alert process as needed.

•   Issues to Follow:
Heartland Highway
Fowler’s Prairie – SR20
Brooker Creek
Big Bend Canal Development through aquatic conserv area
Biomass Energy Process
Cedar Key Scrub Preserve
Fred George Basin
•   Filter legislative information from (6) sources and disseminate.
•   Coordinate ordering of 10,000 coloring books for price break.  Seek outside organizations as well.

•   Assist with article generation for Sabal Minor and Palmetto.

•   Promote native plant profiles in newspapers; Rare plant profile for Palmetto: S.Kennedy, Keith Bradley,Roger Hammer and Carl Weekly.

•   Collect publications from chapters and send publications to chapters.

•   Assist Chair in developing (and re-issuing) mainstream articles for regional newspapers.

•   Purchase and distribute 150 Tracy McCommon CD’s for $1.00 each (Aug BOD mtg.).
•   Have assisted Rosalind in securing articles for the Sabal Minor.
•   Continued work on creating a media contact list for all regional newspapers and media sources.
•   Reprint new member info “why Fl native plants”, Planning and planting a native plant year – John Beriault, and FNPS Green brochure
•   Update or notify Webmaster, Paul Rebmann of changes and updates.
•   Reprint, with help of past authors and others, the AFNN/FNPS Book; Mike Jameson, Richard Moyroud 561.967.2630; Grad. Student-photos, UF Press to Web/CD
•   Assist in the solicitation of applicants for Endowment Grants/Award.

•   Assist with conference programming coordination.

•   Assist in coordinating a scientific article for the ‘Castanea’ publication (Dan Ward)

•   Coordinate conference financial aid for students.

•   Coordinate w/Chair for large grant opportunities/projects.

•   Facilitate each chapter having a university and community college liason.

•   Notebook – county listings per chapter area
•   Chapter Assistance – Longleaf Pine, Naples, South Ridge, Nature Coast, Live Oak, Cocoplum, Heartland, Broward
•   Heartalnd – Native plant profile for newspaper
•   Nature Coast – Community outreach, motivation

Karina Veaudry


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Reply #3 on: February 23, 2007, 12:09:56 PM
At our 27th Annual Conference to be held April 19 – 22 in Gainesville, the general membership of the Florida Native Plant Society will hold elections for Vice President of Administration, Treasurer, and three Directors At Large.  Your Nominating Committee recommends the following slate:
Vice President of Administration:  Ann Redmond, Magnolia Chapter
Treasurer:  Sue Thompson, Eugenia Chapter
Director At Large – Sue Dingwell, Palm Beach Chapter
Director At Large – Ray Jarrett, Paw Paw Chapter
Director At Large – Anne Birch, Conradina Chapter
Of, course, nominations from the floor will be considered.
Your Nominating Committee consisted of Kim Zarillo, Nia Wellendorf, Ray Miller, and Bob Egolf.
Karina Veaudry


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Reply #4 on: February 23, 2007, 12:16:34 PM

Development Committee Report – February 2007

Development Committee Report:  A fund raising trip  is in the works to Peru to spend 6 days on the Amazon Rivere going up river from Iquitos to a large preserve area with abundant birds, and flora and fauna.  It will be held from June 22-July 1.  The cost is estimated to be around $2200 plus airfare from Miami to Iquitos, Peru.  Hopefully it will sucessfully earn some funds for the FNPS. 
[email protected]
Karina Veaudry