The Dec. 2013 will be finished in April and it is likely the Jan.-Mar. will follow. Note Hershkowitz & Kunitzer completed the Jan. through Nov. 2013 financial statements (see Forum post under Finance). The Nov. 2013 statement is posted under Finance on the FNPS forum.
FNPS Accounts as of Mar. 31, 2014
The Well Fargo accounts total $ $206,218.49. The Vanguard Endowment accounts total $111,929.49 on end of day 3/31/14. The Endowment Fund has earned about $$4,485.43 to date in Money Market 3/31/14.
a couple of minor budget adjustments will have to be approved at the May mtg. Shirley is aware of them. Respectfully, Kim Zarillo treasurer.