In the Inaugural meeting there was no discussion of the region groups. The proposed Chapter regions as written on the meeting attendance are attached below (it's also on the homepage of the Council website). No action was taken, however, Chapters can now weigh in on whether or not they want these three regions: North, Central, and South. Some Chapters may want to be in a different group. If so, please add your comment (Reply) here on the Forum.
I believe Group #3 from the Lakeland pre-Council meeting was assigned to suggest some options for regions. Did anyone do that? If so, please post them here or let us know what you talked about regarding regions.
Lakeland Workgroups: Sparkleberry Chapter leaders have been in conversation with some other Reps and proposed smaller and more local region groups so that people can travel and meet face to face in active regional work groups. They suggest more regions than just North, Central, and South, such as as Northwest, Northeast, etc. Here is the place to weigh in with your thoughts and preferences about region groups and their purpose and their connection and coordination with the Council and FNPS as a whole. Make your case here on the Forum for what you think the regions should be.
After a discussion about region groups, someone may want to propose a Forum vote regarding the regions, so that this discussion can result in the formation of the region groups along the lines of what most Chapter Representatives prefer.